
Tent Spirit Award June 8

Tent Spirit Award June 8

Saturday was a Party in the Pavilion and our Tent Spirit Award winners were leading the conga line!

Congratulations to the 7/8 girls for being super spirit filled and bringing the FUN!Those kiddos swam their best in the pool, and interacted with everyone between races.Summer swim meets are all about doing your best in the pool of course, but it’s also about bringing joy to everyones favorite sport.It’s about excitement, it’s about friendship, it’s about water guns, it’s about dancing, it’s about lightheartedness!

Every week these tent spirit winners have blown us away with a different aspect of Redfish team spirit.

7/8 girls-keep on being awesome!

*Side note, I will have the tent spirit award at the Twisters meet this week and need to get a picture with all of our age groups who have previous won.Be ready! 

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