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  • You are responsible for your child before and after practice. Please keep an eye on your child to make sure that they are safe around the pool when not under the coaches supervision.
  • Expectations for parents -- Please allow the coaches to make the most of the practice for all swimmers by staying back from the pool (behind the red line). We’re happy to have parents sit on the deck and observe practice, but please do not interrupt the coaches or swimmers. Swimmers do best when they can fully focus on the coach during the swim practice. If you have questions for the coaches, it’s best to contact them before or after the start of practice or, better yet, email the Head Coach to schedule a time to discuss specific concerns.
  • Expectations for swimmers – Please ensure that your child arrives by the start of their practice time. This will allow the coaches to organize each workout based on attendance for the practice and allows swimmers in not trying to catch up with the rest of the group. Swimmers are expected to be able to swim the full 25 meters of the pool, unassisted, without touching the lane lines and/or the walls. 
  • If swimmers are unable to swim the length unassisted, it may be recommended that they drop from the team and spend this year in lessons to prepare for the next year. Swimmers who are asked to drop from the team will be refunded their registration fees less a $25 non-refundable administrative fee.
  • Children are allowed in the swim team portion of the pool only at their designated practice time. If not practicing, they need to stay off the deck where the coaches will be walking and working with swimmers.
  • The flex lane is for resident lap swimming. If a resident is here to use the pool, non-practicing swimmers and siblings should use the circle pool.
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